Baby Foot Chemical Peel for the Feet


We all want to take better care of our feet. We compromise the health of our feet just by doing everyday things like standing too long, wearing uncomfortable shoes, and playing sports. The skin on your feet is thicker than any other place on your body. Dead skin cells accumulate because of the pressure, friction and weight your feet have to deal with. As a result, the skin on the soles of your feet become hard, dry, rough and cracked. Foot files and pumice stones can take dead skin cells away instantly, but if parts of the dead skin cells are forced off, the soles can become damaged resulting in dry, cracked soles. This causes a vicious spiral of accumulating more and more dead skin cells. 


With Baby Foot you can get great results with a single treatment. This is the best selling foot care product in Japan!  It is specifically designed for the feet. You can still get pedicures and wear nail polish.  Baby Foot has 17 natural extracts that not only peel off dead skin cells without making your feet raw and sore, it also provides incredible moisturizing and helps maintain the skin's texture.. The main ingredients come from fruit......Lactic Acid, Glycolic Acid, Apple, and Citric Acid. Baby Foot is extremely easy to use and after 5-7 days your feet will start to peel leaving you with soft, smooth feet.


Available at Sei Bella Med Spa.....$25