Prior to 1945, European physicians knew that obesity was a direct result of eating too many carbohydrates and sugars. But, by the 1970's, America convinced the world that the problem was total calories. Therefore, everyone started these near-starvation fad diets, like the HCG diet which only allows 500 calories per day!
The problem with this, other than it's extremely unhealthy, is that obese people are often not eating much more in terms of total calories than people with normal fat composition. Counting calories is easy with various phone apps, but you really need to go to the effort to track proteins, carbohydrates, fats, sugars AND calories. My favorite iphone app is My Fitness Pal, but there are several others out there. My Fitness Pal is free and you can connect with other friends who are also on a fitness and weight loss journey. Since weight does not come off without exercise, you can also choose from a wide range of options to increase your activity level. There is no one out there who can't do something. Just stop making excuses. Everybody at Sei Bella has been in your shoes in the past. We speak and teach from experience.
Make your New Year's resolution to lose weight, decrease your risk of diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, stroke and heart attacks. At Sei Bella we can help you with food choices. We also offer prescription weight loss medication including Contrave, Adipex, Belviq and Qsymia. In addition, consider Lipo-Ex, a noninvasive fat loss and skin tightening procedure to also boost your results. We have a special in January 2015.....6 treatments of Lipo-Ex for $400.
Read about Lipo-Ex and weight loss medications on this blog or on our website
Call us today and let us help you get healthier and feel better about yourself!